

Biker Bell, FTW Skull Hat 3 Dimension Gremlin Bell


FTW Skull Hat Bell
by Bravo Bell 

 These little bells, known in the motorcycling world as Gremlin Bells, Guardian Bells, or Spirit Bells, are a kind of good luck charm for motorcycle riders.  

Product Description:
Bravo Bells are made in the USA using state of the art lead-free pewter. Each Bravo Bell comes with a 24mm nickel plated split ring and a 2″x2 1/2″ velveteen drawstring black bag.  


Some say the “Gremlin Bell” is a supernatural protector against evil spirits that haunt the roads looking for bikers to harm – others say it’s simply a tradition of kindness between riders and friends. Whatever you believe, the “Gremlin Bell” is a unique legend in the biker community, and we tell you all about it here.

Have you ever noticed a tiny bell hanging on some motorcycles? You may have found one on a bike you purchased, found one on a bike you were working on, or even been given one by a friend and not known what it was. Well it turns out, these little guardian bells for motorcycles have a purpose (besides ringing and making you think your engine is making funny noises), and are a biker tradition going back decades, almost as long as “bikers” themselves. 

The Purpose of the Gremlin Bell

These little bells, known in the motorcycling world as Gremlin Bells, Guardian Bells, or Spirit Bells, are a kind of good luck charm for motorcycle riders. The bell is said to protect them during their travels, similar to how a pendant or image of St. Christopher, the patron saint of travelers, is often carried in vehicles to protect their occupants while on the road. Here’s how the bell works: legend has it that there are harmful spirits that lurk the roadways, always on the lookout for motorcycles to cling onto and cause mischief. You may have heard of unusual and hard-to-diagnose problems that occur in machines (most often in electrical systems) being called “gremlins,” and supposedly, it is these same unpredictable and harmful spirits that cause problems for motorcycles and their riders. The Gremlin Bell is a way to ward off these spirits. It is said to work by capturing them in the hollow of the bell and infuriating them with the constant ringing until they release their hold and break free, returning to the roadway to find another unsuspecting rider without a bell to harass instead. 

The Rules of the Bell

There are some “rules,” however, to the Gremlin Bell and how it works:

  • It should not be bought by the user – in order to work, it must be given to a rider from a loved one. According to the legend, a bell is “activated” by the gesture of good will when someone, especially another rider, gives it to a rider they care about as a gift.
  • It should be attached to the lowest part of the frame. Because gremlins lurk on the roadways and “grab” onto bikes as they pass by, the low-hanging bell should be the first thing they contact, so that they are immediately captured by it. It should be attached securely.
  • When a bike with a bell on it is sold, it should be removed. The Gremlin Bell is a gesture of kindness to a rider from someone who cares about them, so it should be kept by the intended recipient, and can be transferred to another bike. If someone sells a bike with a bell and they want the new rider to have it, they should still remove it, and give it to them face to face. A bell that is not given with intentional good will loses its spirit-fighting mojo.
  • If someone steals a Gremlin Bell, the gremlins go with it – and the bell will no longer ward them off. The key to the bell’s power is good will. If it is stolen, it loses its effect…and karma will take care of the rest!


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